Mini vmac

Заказал приставку x96 max 4/64 19 февраля, заказ начал отслеживать 25 числа из Гонконга. Hello experienced classic mac gamers! After a lot of trial and error, this all but complete noob managed to set up mini vmac, and find a sit disc image of my favorite game from my childhood (Shadow Keep). However, when I try to save the game, vMac says the disc is full. Can someone walk me through idiot proof steps to make a disc with some space for saved games on vMac? Will that even work, since currently vMac seems to have no storage and completely reset every time I close the program?. I just can't find it online. Just its source code. Can someone hit me up with an ipa, if possible? I don't have any Mac to compile it with Xcode. Thanks. Does anyone know if there is or it's posible to run Macintosh on the PSP? I really want to play some good old games for mac on the go and I was wondering if it's possible. Sorry if this question doesn't belong here, but im trying to compile a .dsk with all sorts of applications and games for use with a Macintosh Plus and a floppy emu. I've been downloading programs online, but most of them are in .sit format. This isn't a problem for my modern mac, which I extract them on, but I can't seem to get the files into Mini vMac. I can extract .sit's fine, but then I'm left with an application that I cannot get onto the emulated Macintosh. I am getting my files Do you know any way to get Mini vMac for iOS 6? Maybe a port or something I had mini vMac installed on my iPhone 2G, and would like to have it again but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Even the official repo is dead. If anyone has a link to a version that works on iOS 3.1.3, whether it be in deb form or on a repo - I'd REALLY be grateful if you could I have Mini vMac running system software version 6.0.8, I tried the update download from the Mini vMac webstie but when I try to start the upgrade I get an error saying I need system software update to system software Has anyone been able to get the experimental mini vmac package to run? I have a vmac.rom and boot disk that work fine with my Windows installation of mini vmac, but when I use the same files (in the macintosh folder on the pi) it just says "Mini vmac could not load disk.". If I wanted to create a tiny Macintosh, how would I go about setting up Rapsbien so that it boots directly into the mini vMac emulator. Title. I also got a few other pieces of software gathered into the folder. Yes, I also have a Macintosh Plus set, the standard Mini vMac stuff. If anyone is interested, do PM, since linking to Mac ROMs is apparently illegal. Addentum: Also looking for a copy of Photoshop 3.0 for my collection. Fuck all legality. So mini vmac was realeased today and i tried to download the rom files and dsk images but i dont know how to set them up can anyone. SLrep profile ( Summer job market is at a large drought back here in Iceland and I am trying to find something to do. Thought I'd use my hobby to help. What I will do is provide general assistance, help and advice, as well as solutions where I can throw them in. The title should describe all this stuff already, but hey, rule 10. edit: Taking payment through paypal. There are only old versions I found that were pre 64-bit compatible. The Dev has a updated version on GitHub but I don't have a way to compile. EDIT: I wrote a post ( about this which explains how to deal with floppy disk images. Thanks /u/modulusshift for the idea. \(DropStuff didn't want to install on Mini vMac so I opted for Compact Pro, which worked like a charm\) I've finally managed to get a working copy of Stuffit Expander on my Mac Plus. \( HERE ( is where Excuse me if this seems to be the wrong place. Pointing in the right direction would be appreciated. So, down to business. I'm offering you migration services, your old Macintosh to Mini vMac 3.3.3 for free. Files/programs will be preinstalled if you provide. What will you need to provide? Which Macintosh you want (Support list below) System version (7.5.5 will be easiest, also reccommended, though 6.0.8 and a few others offered. You can provide your own images.) Extras you want instal. Compared to mini vmac, it’s appealing to run Basilisk II on RetroPie / raspbian bc of the later model support and local access within the emulated MacOS to mount additional disk or hdd image files. I have the default launch command in emulators.cfg where it points to the roms path but how do I “see” it within the Mac? There’s also a basilisk cfg file but configs change suggestions seem to vary on the host OS running basilisk. Anyone have this working? Thanks.