Skyrim seranaholic

Skyrim version has to be or higher My other replacers Bijin Warmaidens Bijin Wives Bijin NPCs Toccata Follower (Elisif option) My follower mods Toccata Chaconne Vivace Succubus-san Minerva - Custom High Elf Voiced Follower(face design by me) Summary This Mod changes Serana's appearance, doesn't change any other. Удалите полностью папку "Serana" по адресу Skyrim/Data/textures/actors/character. Удалите полностью папку "Serana" по адресу Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character. Этот реплейсер заменит женскую игровую броню на комплекты брони-бикини в Skyrim. Реплейсер внешности Сераны из DLC Dawnguard, который не требует доп. установки других реплейсеров. Model (version 1.4.1) made by rxkx22. Video has minor spoilers. Download - Seranaholic Main files. Seranaholic v1.8 Installing this mod with a mod manager is highly recommended. Update files. Overwrite your Serana (whatever version is fine). Optional files. High-res skin texture for v1.8 Main file v1.8 is required. Old files. Seranaholic v1.0.1 Seranaholic v1.2h. So after finishing Dawnguard I decided to cure Serana, only to see her eyes look unusual to say the least. Are there any mods to fix this or would I need to get one that does a whole visual overhaul of her? This will be my first time putting on a mod so any tips are welcome. Описание: Все прекрасно знают такую загадочную особу как Серана из дополнения "Стража рассвета" (DLC Dawnguard). Download Seranaholic. A pure-blood vampire spawned from Molag Bal should look far more exquisite than the normal fodder should they not? You’re not alone if you think so, and this mod is your key to an impeccable Serana. It exchanges her model and facial features for a much more exquisite. Одно из самых замечательных изобретений человечества - виртуальная реальность. Вот она, истинная свобода. Не устраивает какой-либо персонаж - можно его грохнуть\изолировать\скипнуть\модифи. So I'm new to using mods in Skyrim, and I was loving it, until my game started crashing at every loading screen and room transition, making it impossible to play. So my question is , what mods should I remove/replace and how should I reorganize them correctly? Here is my load order: 1. Unofficial Skyrim Patch 2. Unlimited Sprinting 3 Cheat Room 4. Opening Scene Overhaul 5. Dragonborn Delayed 6. Open Civil War 7. The Parthurnax Dilemma 8. Easy Ragged Flagon Travel 9. All Thieves Guild. Is Seranaholic compatible with the SE-Version of Skyrim. Mod Organizer uses a different file structure from NMM: it installs all mods outside of the main Data folder, into its own Data folder. Skyrim reads this when it's launched with SKSE, from inside Mod Organizer. Because of this, there is less of a chance of conflict and problems are solved more easily. Serana's hair is that indistinct white color that shows up when textures aren't be loaded properly, and even re-installing BFVE Serana & Family doesn't change either her appearance or her hairstyle. And, yes, I always run LOOT after making any changes This is my load order if there’s anything wrong with it please tell me USSEP Character Creation Overhaul CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression CCO - Diverse Races and Genders Cheat Room Sovngarde - Mist’s Font Replacer SkyHUD - Oblivion Preset Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones Splendor: Dragon Variants Disable Snow Shader Practice Dummies Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibly Patch Cheat Chests for Apocalypse Summermyst. Skyrim Mod Feature: Seranaholic A mod that changes Serana's appearance for the better in my opinion, making a great follower in the game a lot more beautiful. I am an Xbox player, new to using mods, and I'm trying to follow the advice of some very helpful members of this community. The game is more stable than previously, but it is still crashing frequently (at least it loads in on a new playthrough). So here is the present load order, under the recommended categories. If anyone knows where I've messed up, I'd appreciate it. Master Files: 1. Unofficial Skyrim Patch 2. Cutting Room Floor Foundations: 3. YOT - Your Own Thoughts MenusgtU. (XBOX ONE) There are so many load order templates and it gets confusing so I was wondering if someone could help me out. Here is my load order. Please and thank you in advance. Useep- Climates of tamriel- Race compatibility- Campfire- Norse font- 60 fps menu- Tesg loadscreen replacer- Shyhud- Immersive sounds compendium- Dynamic camera- First person height adjustment- Lore and gender heights- Ars metalica- Ineed- FrostFall- Wet and cold- Lamposts- Point the way- Convenient bridges- Parthunax. Серанахолия - реплейсер Сераны / Seranaholic - Компаньоны и расы - TES V: Skyrim - Каталог модов - Отмена Подробнее. Hi guys, I installed a mod called Better Dead Thralls for SSE and I noticed that the MCM does not list the mod at all. On Oldrim, the same mod had MCM options so I investigated this by making a new save and voila, the MCM options were there. Here's a couple of screenshots ( for proof. amp#x200B; Thanks in advance. amp#x200B; Here's my mod list in case it's relevant: amp#x200B; \#Mod\_Priority,#Mod\_Name "0004","2-4k Highland Cow Retexture" "0005","2K. I have Serana set to turn into a Vampire Lord whenever I do. Whenever she does only her cape is visible. She's missing everything else: no head, body, arms or legs. I think the problem has to do with the fact that Seranaholic gives Serana a non-vanilla body (either CBBE or UNP; it happens with either) but I don't I'm having a problem with SkyUI not working I've been modding SkyrimSE and testing as I add new mods to make sure everything is working and it is, Starting a new game with mods loaded does not work, the cart will get stuck or just show a closeup of the side of the wagon with people standing around it, I downloaded 2 saves from just before character creation but when loading either of them I get the message "Skyui check Skyui is missing" I disabled everything in my loadorder except Skyui Seranaholic looks pretty great and probably the best replacer in my opinion. BVFE - Serana and Family I don't like her look in this mod. But Valerica looks really great. Wish the author did a Valerica only version. I’ve tried many different load orders with many different mods and I’ve found that there isn’t a sure fire load order that works for every mod. Having said that, I recently just cleared my cache all the reserved space and every save so that I could start fresh and try with the mods I genuinely like (Also to clear that ghost space) Here’s the mods I’d like to use: USSEP Falskaar Unofficial Falskaar Patch Cutting Room Floor Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim Imperious - Races of Skyrim Summermys. I’m on Xbox one trying to get a solid body mod setup for skyrim and I’m pretty sure I’ve broken my game ;-; current order is: Xp32 Seraphim body replacer Seraphim undies patch UNP body fit armors to vanilla Vanilla BBP Fair skin complexion curvy Natural eyes Bijin AIO replacer Bijin retinol patch Bijin AIO USSEP patch Seranaholic replacer 1.6 red Also open to better suggestions, goal is to change lingerie from gross yellow, and also keep Bijin. BBP is optional. Скачать The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim: Реплейсер Сераны Seranaholic для The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. I've been wanting to do a modded let's play series for the past few months, and I managed to get my mod list together before, but for some reason my entire load order got deleted at some point, and for the life of me I can't recall certain things and where they need to be placed. I have most of the load order in proper positions, I just need help with the last few and if some need to be moved. As well as anything I should remove or is needed to get some things to work. Thanks for helping # THIS POST HAVE BEEN SOLVED amp#x200B; amp#x200B; Hello, i'm really wanting find out why whenever i fast travel to inside a city the game crashes, I'll also have times where the game gets really laggy and crashes. Here is my load order (p.s.) I've tried organizing to formats and guides but I just don't know how to. : Unofficial Skyrim Special Addition Patch H.A.S.T.E. Better Vampires 8.1 Skyrim Creature Overhaul Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Unleveled Items Ordinator - Perks. Реплейсер Cераны: Seranaholic. Просмотров: 13865 Загрузок: 3324 Здесь вы можете просмотреть и бесплатно скачать моды для Skyrim категории. Hello, guys. I've been modding skyrim for quite some time by now (since 2012 +/-) and I consider myself a nice enough modder. Recently I've put together an extensive load order for SSE, aiming to begin new playthough. It took me a loot of time and work, and everything was looking ok. I was playing for quite some time, with a level 20 character and no crashes, til i had a ctd reaching Traitor's Post, east of Windhelm. I did the standart procedures to isolate do crash, ran a lot of test save files. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Anyone use the CME save for the Seranaholic mod? Need a bit of help please". Hi everyone! So me and my Dad have been playing Skyrim (Xbox) since day 1 but he's only recently got into modding. I know there have probably been lots of requests for help regarding mods, but we could really do with some guidance. (We now play Skyrim SE) His mod list has grown so much that every time he plays the game it freezes at some point and I know it's because of his load order. We've tried Youtubing tips and looking at different peoples load orders and opinions - we even tried Hello everyone! Ive recently run into a serious issue with Seranaholic. the mod has worked for me for years and now its just messed up, she has a vanilla face. Im All In One HDT Animated pussy as her body type which works just fine but her face is vanilla as stated before. i tried reinstalling. So I tried running a modded game using the "Recommend Load Order" Dropbox file over the weekend without much success, I was fine until i got to Whiterun then most things I did caused it to crash (entering/exiting buildings, talking to NPC's, opening/exiting containers, walking around generally etc etc) amp#x200B; So did a little more research and found the Logical Load Order was suggested by many, so after transferring the mods to that list (as well as adding more mods I'd come across). Steam Community: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Seranaholic. Whenever I go into the market place in Whiterun my game crashes every time. I’ve tried Hard resetting but that didn’t work this is my load order USSEP Character Creation Overhaul CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression CCO - Diverse Races and Genders Cheat Room Sovngarde - Mist’s Font Replacer SkyHUD - Oblivion Preset Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones Splendor: Dragon Variants Disable Snow Shader Practice Dummies Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Apocalypse. Quite a simple thread. Post your current load order, discuss amp suggest new mods for each other personally. "2k Textures" "3. A smile HD by Mari SE 1K" "4K Hagraven House" "A. NSM - FULL PACK v.5.3.0 2K - For Skyrim Special Edition" "Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons" "Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons Patch" "Amazing Follower Tweaks SE" "Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim" "Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks SE" "Archery" "Archmage Necklace SSE" "Arri's Snow Elf Ruins Retexture Special Edition". Can't get Serana mods to work - posted in Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting: I cant get any Serana appearance mod to work, heres what i have tried: Every single seranaholic version with no results (manual installation, NMM, and MO). Changing order of plugin, top, bottom, mid. and nothing. Hi everyone! Can someone please help me to figure out what causes this bug ( Simply, NPC's body is white amp mismatching with face color. I've tried disabling some of the character related mods, skin textures, etc but nothing helps. Mod list: #Mod_Name "(Part 1) Engine Fixes 2.14 for SSE 1.5.62 - skse64 plugin" "A. Noble Skyrim - FULL PACK 2K" "AchievementsModsEnablerSSE" "Aella Female Nord Preset" "Aesthetic Elves" "Alternate Start. The Bijin All-in-One is a way to merge all of the Bijin series by rxkx22 ( Optionally, you can also add Seranaholic (including Valerica). Contrary to its name, it does not include everything you need in one easy download. You need all of the meshes and textures from the original mods. This guide covers the versions by Mebantiza ( I'm not going to cover the optional files I'm not sure if this is the right place for me to post, but since Nexus isn't responding I'm posting here. I have this mod that changes Serana's look completely, but because of this follower mod Serana's eyes revert back to their non-mod look. Apparently I'm supposed to retext. I just got Skyrim SE yesterday on XB1 , I played it years ago and now I want to replay it with mods , but it keeps crashing. Anyone can help? Here are the mods. -USSEP -Campfire: Complete Camping System -Falskaar -Cutting Room floor -The forgotten city -EBQO -EQBO - Cutting Room Floor patch -Frostfall -iNeed -iNeed - Extended -Ordinator -True Storms -Vivid Weathers -Unofficial Vivid Weathers amp True Storms merged compatibility patch -Skyrim sewers -The notice board -Lush. I couldn't find any answers on the mod author's page on nexus so I'm hoping someone here has something. Anyway, I just got Serana Hello everyone! amp#x200B; I am having an issue here, amp#x200B; My Skyrim Crashes whenever i fast travel or use the Console to test my mods i have installed. I do not know how to fix it and i want to ask u guys for advice and overall any tipps how i could make my mod Loadorder better to prevent any more Crashes Bugs etc. amp#x200B; I am very little experienced with Modding i usually just click on a mod i like read the Description on how to install and if there are any Patches Скачать Реплейсер Cераны / Seranaholic для The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. Just added Sofia Follower mod with CBBE customizer redux for the first time, for some reason, out of nowhere. she'd explode with what seems like an ice based explosion effect? Not sure what kind of spell since I'm not versed on such. like some sort of ice bomb exploded from her inventory, and this happened about 5 mins I have been with her, and her being completely naked. Just want to be sure if either something from among my mods is causing this or it's something that's normal Описание: Знаменитая ролевая сага The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim собрала более двух сотен различных наград. Seranaholic v1.0 (Изменяет внешность Сераны на безумно красивую). So, I had this problem before, on a playthrough about a year ago. I've naturally kept myself updated and am using the latest version of Sacrosanct. The issue still persists however. I get a message that something is overwriting PlayerVampireQuestScript and DLC1PlayerVampireChangeScript. So let me give a breakdown on EVERYTHING I've tried so far, please bear with me here. I kept wracking my brain trying to think of mods that could potentially conflict with Sacrosanct. It's not needed Skyrim Redone требует куда более вдумчивого подхода в плане тактики и развития персонажа, чем базовая игра. This is my EXACT load order amp#x200B; USSEP Skyrim Creature Overhaul Enhance Blood Textures Enhanced Lights and FX Enhanced Light and FX - No Fake Light Under Doors Divine Cities - Premier City Overhaul Divine SMIM Divine Forests Divine Texture Pacl - Trees True Storm Special Edition Enhanced Night Skyrim Amazing Follower Tweaks Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Amazing Follower Tweak patch Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Unofficial Skyrim Specia. Seranaholic 1.0 Изменяет внешность Сераны на безумно красивую Skyrim Atmospheric Music+Fix 2.0 Добавляет новое музыкальное сопровождение в игру. Everything works then way I want! No errors, no issues. Lots of taste full bouncing boobs, hot ladies, nice clothes, manly hairy men for when my wife plays and cool monsters! 278 Mods/248 plugins installed now after original post. \(Hope this helps, took me all weekend.\) Reverted back to version before 1.4 using tutorial i found in one of the threads in this subreddit. Reason I reverted is that I'm using sksevr so i can get bouncy bewbs and butts with FINS and cbpVR.7z. I switched from nexus. Money Making - Skyrim Mod Feature: Seranaholic - Мод добавляет красивую спутницу в Skyrim — Вивию, Seranaholic. Мод заменяет предводительницу Волкихарского клана вампиров — Серану. Dragonborn__adventures. Skyrim screenshots every so often. Please don't repost my shots elsewhere without crediting to me or my instagram @dragonborn__adventures. Seranaholic v1.0 (Изменяет внешность Сераны на безумно красивую) ApachiiSkyHair Retexture v1.4 (Ретекстур причесок от Апачи) Skyrim HD Textures, установка опциональная.